Thursday, January 26, 2012

"Show Scotty The Money!"

Last Tuesday, volunteers (like myself) were in Madison to turn in over 1 MILLION signatures to recall Governor Walker - but Scotty wasn't there . . . Scotty was in New York City, at a $2,500 per person fundraiser hosted by Hank Greenberg, the former CEO of (AIG) American International Group, the global insurance corporation that needed $150 BILLION in bailout funds from the government. Aren't conservatives supposed to be against the bailouts and corporate welfare, or welfare of any kind? Usually they are, unless of course THEY themselves can benefit from it - like Scotty just did.

Walker raised $4.5 million in the last five weeks, and according to campaign finance records the majority of it came from wealthy, out-of-state financiers. The biggest donor to Walker's recall campaign is Bob Perry, who gave $540,000 to Walker. So who is Perry you ask? Is he from WI? Does he have business here? Nope - Perry is a Texas home-building tycoon who became famous for bankrolling the infamous Swift Boat Veterans for Truth campaign that lied about John Kerry's war record in Vietnam. Is Texas now a Madison suburb?

Other out-of-state and out-of-touch with reality millionaires who recently contributed to Walker's campaign include Foster Friess, a Wyoming-based investor and frequent GOP donor, who donated $100,000 and Bruce Kovner, a billionaire manager of the world's largest hedge fund, who finances and chairs the American Enterprise Institute, which has churned up the likes of Dick Cheney and other creeps corporate vultures who take their multi-million dollar businesses oversees in order to avoid paying income taxes in America.

But Scotty is scott-free to collect unlimited amounts of money before the actual campaign starts, so it's all legal - but is it morally ethical? I think not, especially since the very same day we handed in the 1 MILLION+ signatures to recall him, he was in NY collecting tens of thousands of dollars from people who have NO connection to our state. He also gave an interview to Rush Limbaugh complaining about $ coming in from out-of-state union bosses to help fund the recall effort against him.


What a hypocrite! What a creep. And what a slime ball. I have a hunch that the FBI John Doe investigation is creeping up onto his doorstep and soon we will all be getting a peek into what kind of dirty, morbid skeletons he is keeping in his closet.


I almost forgot - Wisconsin was second in the nation in new unemployment claims in December, with 10,203, followed only by Michigan, another state run by another right-wing nut job who thinks with his wallet first, his campaign second, and the people somewhere way down the frickin' line.
Since June, Wisconsin has lost nearly 28,000 jobs, but Walker has handed out $2.3 BILLION in tax breaks for corporations and the rich - who are obviously NOT CREATING JOBS.
Do we still need to brown bag our lunch if we're not actually going to work? Did Doyle leave any leftovers?

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